When most people see an auto accident, or witness an assault or battery or have a injury as a result of an event, they see blood, they hear pain, they see the injury. Personal Injury Lawyers see duty, breach, proximate cause, and damages. They instill this words on us in law school.
But, that is not why we are passionate about what we do. For the most part, is not the fact that we may collect on our client's injury. Is the fact that, we try to bring life back to normal for our clients and their families as much as we can. If personal injury lawyers would not take on difficult cases for our clients, our clients would never have the opportunity to get back to a normal life.
Many people that come to us have seen first hand the techniques that insurance companies use in order to protect their interest. They attempt to make the injured person feel like its their fault, and not their clients who caused the injury. Many times the adjusters for the insurance companies try to make friends with the injured person, just to have the statute of limitations period run.
You are not in "good hands" or protected from "mayhem's" if you are the injured person. When you are injured as a result of some one's negligence, you need a personal injury lawyer on your side.
Our Law Firm has been helping injured victims when insurance companies have tried to minimize their claims. If you have been a victim of a vehicle accident, or if you have severe injuries, broken bones, lacerations, scars or even know of someone who was wrongfully killed, you need a personal injury lawyer.
If you have been a victim of a vehicle accident, a medical malpt\ractice, a wrongful death, a battery, and assault and have suffered severe injuries, give us a call. Our
San Antonio Lawyers are here for you. That is why we say, "we care about your legal needs."