The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys
San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's not a matter of if, is a matter of when Sheriff Soward. Help us exhume the body of Bill Bohlke!

The Baez Law Firm has been fighting the Atascosa County for quite some time. We have gone to Court on numerous occasions, but the Sheriff has failed to appear in any of the hearings. The family wants to know why? Why is the Atascosa County so against helping the Bohlke family solve his murder. Why only speculations can be given. New evidence has been provided to the authorities, and all the family can do is wait. Well, NO MORE!!!

Help us exhumed the body of the former Mayor of Hollywood Park, Mayor William Bill Bohlke. Mr. Baez is making a promise to the family...we will exhumed the body in the interest of Justice. Why does a family have to solve their own family member's murder. If you have read the news lately, there is corruption in Atascosa County. But the family won't back down.

Two local News station have removed ALL links in the Bohlke case, why? This case goes far beyond that anyone else can imagine. Just like Ms. Bohlke said recently: "we need heroes." Where are they? Well, here is your chance to STAND for JUSTICE, JUSTICE FOR BILL.

Help us get the killers behind bar!!! Help us get Justice!!! Help us because together, we can!!!

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San Antonio, Texas, United States
Find Personal Injury Trial Lawyers that will treat you with dignity and respect. The Baez Law Firm, P.C. is dedicated to help those less fortunate. Our San Antonio Lawyers also handle family law, criminal defense, business law, immigration, social security disability, patent law, trade marks and much more. We are professionals that care about your legal needs. Our motto is simple: “Minimizing Legal Worries!”℠ Visit us at or call us (210) 979-9777. Have a blessed day!

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