The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys
San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

From The Baez Law Firm, P.C. to all Texas law firms, lawyers, judges, legal assistant, and court personnel, we are wishing you a very Merry Christmas. With this, we just wanted to share something uplifting during this season.

According to the bible, the historic record of the birth of Christ can be found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20.Unlike any other baby, the one born that night in Bethlehem was unique in all of history. He was not created by a human father and mother. He had a heavenly pre-existence (John 1:1-3, 14). He is God, the Son—Creator of the universe (Philippians 2:5-11). This is why Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means “in the flesh.” In the birth of Jesus, the eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh.

Why would God do such a thing? Why would he come as a baby, instead of appearing in power and majesty? Why make himself a true man and live among us, when he knew full well how terribly he would be treated?

It was LOVE! It was necessary, if you are to be saved!

Share the good news that Christ still alive in your heart, and celebrate with your love ones the true meaning of Christmas. May God bless the Texas legal system, its attorneys and may God bless the USA.

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