The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys
San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

Monday, August 3, 2009

When should your bartender stop your drinking?

This topic is not talked about by many, but it happens all the time in Texas. As people go to a bar to have a drink, many find themselves with one drink after the other, drunk, and without the use of their faculties.

Yet, bartenders continue to serve alcohol, even after its obvious that, the customer should have no more drinks. Why does this happen? When should he bartender stop people from drinking?

Texas has the Dram Shop law which would protect patrons of alcohol establishments, if they find themselves with injuries after visiting an establishment. The law is clear, bartenders have a duty, in fact a responsibility to tell the patrons, no more. How often those that happen in Texas, based on our analysis, almost never.

If you have been injured, as a result of your bartender not telling you that you had enough to drink, contact us, we can help. Our attorneys have been sucessful with this type of case in Texas. We are here to help you.

The Baez Law Firm, P.C. is a general practice law firm that is here to help you with your legal needs. We handle personal injury, family law, business law, criminal law and many others.

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