The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

The Baez Law Firm | San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys
San Antonio Lawyers and Attorneys

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Police brutality in Texas

Most people turn to the police for protection and safety. As citizens, we trust police officers to use their authority and training to keep us safe. Occasionally, however, some police officers use poor judgment and abuse this authority, causing harm to the very citizens they have sworn to protect, and beginning the cycle of mistrust.

If you have been a victim of police abuse you probably feel helpless and frightened. Your sense of security and right-and-wrong has been forever shattered. While the vast majority of law enforcement officers are dedicated and ethical, the officers who are not tarnish the reputation of the force as a whole, and the community suffers.

Police officers have a duty to know and abide by the limits of their position. Whether or not a crime has been committed, they have a legal responsibility to act within reason. If a crime was involved, you may feel that you have no real defense against the abuse and that taking action puts you at risk for a harsher punishment. If there was no crime, you fear for your reputation and an undeserved permanent criminal record which will follow and limit you for the rest of your life.

Not only is police brutality and misconduct an egregious violation of public trust and authority, it is also illegal, and guilty law enforcement officers can and must be held legally accountable for their crimes. Some common claims upon which police brutality or misconduct charges are built include: excessive use of force, and wrongful imprisonment.

If you have been the victim of police abuse you must act quickly. There are several things you should do right away:

1- Seek medical attention
2- File a complaint
3- Take photos of your injuries
4- Get statements from witnesses
5- Contact The Baez Law Firm

If you, or someone you know has been a victim of police brutality, contact The Baez Law Firm, P.C. at (210) 979-9777, where experienced lawyers will handle your case with respect and dignity. Visit our websites or We care about your legal needs!

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